Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blog Post #5

1) I agree that "art can create empathy." People who have the same experiences or memories related to the topic of an artwork may feel more empathy for it. For example,some people who have experienced war probably have bad or sad memories of war. When they look at art works that are related to war, they may develop strong empathy for these artworks because they can connect to them more. On the other hand, people who have no experience of war may relate less to these artworks and their view would be less subject.

2) I also agree with her idea. I believe that the written word doesn't encourage us to develop critical thinking because when we see a written word, it's usually direct to the point and we can usually understand its precise meaning. Hence, we do not need to try to figure out what it means. On the contrary, when we look at a piece of artwork, its meaning is very unclear and we would have to generally assume what the artist is trying to express through his artwork. Thus, each individual who views the same piece of artwork may come up with different meanings and interpretations from it.

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